Campbellsville, Tennessee








ARTICLE  I                                                        NAME


            The name of this not-for-profit organization shall be the Campbellsville Area Association (hereinafter referred to as the CAA).


ARTICLE  II                                                    PURPOSE


            The purpose of this Association is to promote and conserve the history, significant structures, community projects and families of our area by supporting any
community activity, community improvement or assistance to a family in the community which is deemed appropriate by the CAA.  The geographic area falling under
 the interest of the CAA is generally the Northwest quadrant of Giles County, Tennessee.  Any question about the geographic area of interest will be decided by the CAA
 Executive Committee.


ARTICLE  III                                                            MEMBERSHIP


            Membership in the CAA shall be open to any interested person upon payment of dues as hereinafter described in the Bylaws.


ARTICLE  IV                                                         ADMINISTRATION


            Section  1:  The administrative affairs of the CAA shall be vested in the CAA’s Executive Committee.  Any emergency action or action not addressed under this
Constitution and Bylaws taken by the CAA’s Executive Committee must be ratified by a majority vote of the members in good standing and present at the next scheduled
CAA meeting, or at a special meeting called by the Chairperson, if the Chairperson deems that a special meeting is necessary.


            Section  2:  The CAA Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson,  and Treasurer, and any other CAA officer.


Section  3:  The CAA shall hold elections for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer of the Executive Committee annually at the regular Sunday meeting
during the month of December, or a special meeting called for that purpose by the Chairperson.


ARTICLE  V                                            EXECUTIVE POWERS


The executive power of the CAA shall be vested in the CAA’s Chairperson.


The CAA Chairperson will appoint a Secretary and any other non-elected officers or committees deemed necessary to conduct the CAA’s business from among the
members in good standing, to serve concurrently with the Chairperson’s term in office.  Vacancies in the elected positions will be filled at the joint determination of the
remaining Executive Committee members, to serve until the next regular election.


The CAA Chairperson must call any special meetings deemed necessary by the Chairperson, or requested in writing of the Chairperson by 5 or more CAA members
 in good standing.


The CAA Chairperson must initiate any disciplinary hearing or procedure if the Chairperson deems necessary, or if requested in writing by 5 or more CAA
 members in good standing.  Discipline will be limited to a minimum of expulsion from the CAA for one year to a maximum of expulsion from the CAA for life.
 No fines, assessments or other financial punishments may be levied against a member.


ARTICLE  VI                                                          AMENDMENTS


            This Constitution may be amended at any called or regular CAA meeting by a vote of 2/3 of those members present and in good standing, subject to the following:


  1. All CAA members will be notified prior to the voting (by hand-out, e-mail, or regular mail), of the proposed change to the Constitution.
  2. The proposed change must be read at two separate meetings before the vote is taken.
  3. If a majority of the current CAA Executive Committee does not support the proposed change, and the membership passes the measure, the change will not take
     effect until after the next election is held.




Sent to Membership    ___________________


1st Reading                  ___________________


2nd Reading                 ___________________


Adopted                      ___________________


Approved                    ___________________










ARTICLE  I                                               ORGANIZATION


            Section 1:  The Campbellsville Area Association, hereinafter referred to as CAA, affirms its intention to operate in perpetuity.  However, upon dissolution of the
 CAA, should it become necessary, any assets, equipment or property remaining after settlement of all debts and obligations of the CAA shall be distributed to the Giles
County Historical Society in Pulaski, Tennessee.


            Section 2:  The governing body of the Chapter shall be the membership of the Chapter except as otherwise noted in its Constitution and Bylaws.


            Section 3:  Minutes of the CAA’s Executive Committee and regular business meetings shall be kept and made available to any member in good standing with the


ARTICLE  II                                      EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE


            Section 1:  The CAA Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and any other Chapter officers.


            Section 2:  Meetings of the CAA Executive Committee will be called at the Chairperson’s discretion.  Minutes will be kept and all such meetings shall be open to
any CAA member in good standing.


            Section 3:  The CAA Executive Committee may act in the best interest of the Association in emergencies and in matters not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws,
subject to ratification of the action by a majority of the members at the next called or regular CAA meeting.


ARTICLE  III                                                                 OFFICERS


            Section 1:  The CAA shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Treasurer annually during the month of December.  Election will be by a majority of those
 members present who are in good standing. Voting may not be by proxy.  No individual shall serve more than four consecutive terms in an elected position of the
Executive Committee.


            Section 2:  The CAA Chairperson shall appoint a Secretary and any other officer, or committees deemed necessary for the operation of the Association.  These
appointees will serve concurrently with the elected Chairperson’s term and at his/her pleasure.


            Section 3:  Newly elected officers will be installed at the January meeting.


            Section 4:  Upon election or appointment, all CAA property in the possession of the old officers shall be surrendered to the new officers.


            Section 5:  The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson may not also hold the position(s) of Treasurer or Secretary during their term as a Chairperson/Vice Chairperson.


Section 6:  Qualifications for holding an office in the organization are the same as for membership in good standing.


            Section 7:  In the event the Chairperson’s position is vacated before annual elections, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the functions of the Chairperson


            Section 8:  The CAA Secretary will determine those members who are in good standing and eligible to vote in officer elections.  The results of the officer elections
will be certified by the Secretary in the minutes.  The Secretary will be responsible for recording the meeting minutes and archiving all CAA records, with the exception of
area history and CAA financial files/records. 


            Section 9:  The Treasurer shall submit a written Chapter financial report at least quarterly.  The Association’s accounting year will be from 01 January through 31
December.  The Treasurer’s report submitted at the April meeting will show financial information for the preceding January, February, and March.  The other reports will
 be due at the July, October and January meetings. Any receipts shall be deposited as soon as possible and any expenses paid within 30 days of receiving notice of the debt.
 An annual financial report shall be submitted within 90 days of the end of the accounting year. All disbursements must be signed by at least two elected Executive
Committee members.  All ACC financial records shall be completed, submitted and archived by the Treasurer.  If annual income exceeds $5,000.00, the CAA Executive
Committee mustl secure the services of a Certified Public Accountant to perform an annual audit of the CAA financial accounts starting with the accounting year that
follows the first year receipts exceed $5,000.  If income falls below $5,000 in subsequent years, the CPA audit may be skipped until the annual income again reaches


ARTICLE  IV                                                           MEMBERSHIP


            Membership will be extended to any interested person upon payment of annual dues.  The amount of the dues will be $5.00 annually, unless changed by vote of the
membership at the annual election of officers.  Dues must be received by the end of February in order for the member to remain in good standing for that calendar year.
 The CAA will issue a receipt of membership dues for each year to the member, and membership will entitle the member to a minimum of two newsletters during the
calendar year describing the CAA’s plans and detailing CAA activities.


ARTICLE  V                                                    MEETINGS


            CAA meetings shall be held monthly on a regular basis.  The place and time of such meetings to be set by majority vote of the membership.  A quorum shall
consist of 5 members present and in good standing.  Conduct of the meetings will be in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws and when not specified by these
rules, with Robert’s Rules of Order.



ARTICLE  VI                                                          AMENDMENTS                                       


            The CAA Bylaws may be amended at any called or regular CAA meeting by a vote of 2/3 of those members present and in good standing, subject to the following:


  1. The proposed change must be read at two separate meetings before the vote is taken.
  2. If a majority of the current CAA Executive Committee does not support the proposed change, and the membership passes the measure, the change will not take
    effect until after the next election is held.




1st Reading                  ___2010-01-03______


2nd Reading                 ___2010-02-08______


Adopted                      ___2010-02-08______










Webmaster Jennifer H. Stout Campbellsville, TN